War Criminal
War Criminal Context: President Joe Biden on Wednesday...
Implications of US Federal Reserve’s Rate Hike
Implications of US Federal Reserve’s Rate Hike Context: · ...
Provisions Under FCRA
Provisions Under FCRA Context: • The Union Home Ministry has...
An Overlook of OROP Scheme
An Overlook of OROP Scheme Context: • The Supreme Court...
Granting Citizenship to Foreigners
Granting Citizenship to Foreigners Context: • Sixteen Chinese nationals have...
Sealed Cover Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court
Sealed Cover Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court Context: • While...
Transition Towards a Circular Economy
Transition Towards a Circular Economy Context: • In the Budget...
17th March, 2022 – Important News Articles
Front Page: Neutrality for Ukraine is on the table: Lavrov...