Tag: International Organisations

WHO approves use of malaria vaccine with adjuvant tech

WHO approves use of malaria vaccine with adjuvant tech

WHO approves use of malaria vaccine with adjuvant tech Context ...

G-20: 39 MNCs come together for a circular economy coalition

G-20: 39 MNCs come together for a circular economy coalition

G-20: 39 MNCs come together for a circular economy coalition...

About the G 20

About the G 20

About the G 20:  #GS2 #International Organizations Topic International Organizations:...


Kremlin’s Defiance of International Law

Kremlin’s Defiance of International Law Context: In the ongoing military...

Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize #GS-02 International Organisations For Prelims: About Nobel...

SCO fights ‘anti-West dictators club’ tag

SCO fights ‘anti-West dictators club’ tag

SCO fights ‘anti-West dictators club’ tag #GS-02 International Relations For...