China-India Relations: Mapping Ties

China-India Relations: Mapping Ties

China-India Relations: Mapping Ties Context: Fresh turbulence has emerged, encompassing disputes over a new Chinese map and speculations about President Xi skipping the upcoming G-20 Summit in New Delhi. Relevance: GS_02 (India and its Neighborhood, International Relations) Prelims: Aksai Chin Region China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) […]

Economy grows 7.8%, fastest in 4 quarters

Economy grows 7.8%, fastest in 4 quarters

Economy grows 7.8%, fastest in 4 quarters Context  GVA from trade, lodging, transportation, communications, and broadcasting services increased 9.2% in Q1, while GVA from finance, real estate, and professional services increased 12.2%. The employment-intensive construction sector, public administration, defence, and other services all had increases […]

Kaveri river dispute

Kaveri River Water Dispute: In-depth Overview

Blog: Kaveri River Water Dispute The Cauvery water dispute is a prolonged and intricate water-sharing dispute between the Indian states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, as well as other governments that have stakes in the river’s water, including Kerala and Puducherry. The issue is on […]