BHARAT Campaign

BHARAT Campaign


The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has recently introduced an innovative campaign called BHARAT (Banks Heralding Accelerated Rural & Agriculture Transformation) that specifically targets banks and aims to leverage the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund for the betterment of the rural and agricultural sectors.


  • BHARAT Campaign, an initiative that has recently been launched with a grand vision and an ambitious target of Rs 7200 crore. This one-month-long campaign is strategically designed to garner active involvement and support from a wide range of financial institutions.
  • It incorporates members of commercial banks in the public and private sector, but it also aims to rally support from Regional Rural Banks, Small Finance Banks, NBFCs, and select cooperative banks.
  • The objective of this campaign is to promote the Scheme of Agriculture Infrastructure Fund.
  • The Agriculture Infrastructure Fund is a Central Sector Scheme that was initially introduced in 2020 that provides medium to long-term debt financing facility which in turn, contributes to the overall growth and development of the agricultural sector.
  • The duration of the scheme spans from FY2020 to FY2032, encompassing a substantial time frame of 10 years with a benefit from an interest subvention of 3% per annum(which will remain applicable for a maximum period of seven years.), up to a limit of Rs. 2 crores that offers a significant incentive for borrowers and ensures the sustainability of the agricultural projects in focus.
  • In addition, eligible borrowers will also have access to credit guarantee coverage through the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) scheme.


The BHARAT Campaign stands as a testament to the government’s commitment to the agricultural sector and its recognition of the vital role it plays in our nation’s development. By promoting the Scheme of Agriculture Infrastructure Fund and encouraging widespread participation from diverse financial institutions, this campaign seeks to empower and uplift the agricultural community.