Day: June 29, 2023

Indian economy resilient despite global risks: RBI

Indian economy resilient despite global risks: RBI

Indian economy resilient despite global risks: RBI Context :  The...

NRF Bill: Shaping Research's Strategic Direction

NRF Bill: Shaping Research’s Strategic Direction

Cabinet clears NRF Bill to offer strategic direction to research...

Promoting Sustainable Living: Centre's 'Market' Scheme

Promoting Sustainable Living: Centre’s ‘Market’ Scheme

Centre Plans ‘Market’ Scheme to Promote Sustainable Living Context: The...

PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation)

PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation)

PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation) Context: Prime Minister Shri...

Unraveling the Constitutional Conundrum: An Analysis of the Delhi Services Ordinance

Unraveling the Constitutional Conundrum: An Analysis of the Delhi Services Ordinance

Unraveling the Constitutional Conundrum: An Analysis of the Delhi Services...

Central Govt. Approves Biofertilizer Scheme

Central Govt. Approves Biofertilizer Scheme

Biofertilizer Scheme Gets Central Govt.’s Green Light Context: The PM-PRANAM...

India Rankings for Higher Education Institutions

India Rankings for Higher Education Institutions

India Rankings for Higher Education Institutions Context: The recently released...

Analyzing the Employment-Generation Needs in the Indian Economy

Analyzing the Employment-Generation Needs in the Indian Economy

Analyzing the Employment-Generation Needs in the Indian Economy Context: The...

A Model for Quality and Inclusive Education

A Model for Quality and Inclusive Education

A Model for Quality and Inclusive Education Context: The National...